Department of Music recognizes exceptional course performance with 2021 Harper Awards

Awards graphic


The Harper Awards for Exceptional Performance in a Course recognize exceptional achievement in an undergraduate course, and draw attention to deeply engaged, stellar students who consistently exceed the expectations of the course. Harper Award recipients are nominated by the faculty members and instructors who teach each particular course.

Harper Awards for Exceptional Performance in a Course

Laura Sieh — Music 25020: Opera Across Media (Martha Feldman)

Amelia Simonoff — Music 272 & 273: Topics in the History of Western Music (Bradley Spiers) and Piano Performance Program (Eugenia Jeong)

Dillon Lazar — Music 266: Composing with Sound (Sam Pluta)

Denisse Morales-Rodriguez — University Symphony Orchestra (Barbara Schubert)

Ellyn Liu — Music 251: Analysis of Music of the Classical Period (Olga Sánchez-Kisielewska) and Music 252: Analysis of Nineteenth-Century Music (Olga Sánchez-Kisielewska and Thomas Christensen)

Will Davis — Music 153: Harmony and Voice Leading 3 

Eren Slifker — Music 152: Harmony and Voice Leading 2 (Olga Sánchez-Kisielewska)

Samir Rajani — Music 151: Harmony and Voice Leading 1  (Olga Sánchez-Kisielewska)